Hey, join the live stream Sunday, March 23 @ 10:00 a.m. MDT (UTC-6).
We're talking about the best music decade, mode numerals, and more. See you then!
Question for @MikeGeorge!
I understand how the Stability / Tension / and Change intervals work with the Ionian major scale, (when laid out in circle of thirds format) but does that same logic (as long as it’s starting from the root note) apply to all other modes as well? I’m asking in the context of songwriting itself. This hasn’t been covered again in the lessons or any of your other videos as far as I’m aware.
Hey, join the live stream Sunday, March 23 @ 10:00 a.m. MDT (UTC-6).
We're talking about the best music decade, mode numerals, and more. See you then!
We're hanging out via live stream Saturday, February 15 at 9:00 a.m. (UTC-7) -- to play with the ChordMap (sevenths version). Chat Live or post questions on Locals in advance.
This stream is for supporters. THANK YOU!
And here's the link to join:
To understand music, you must start at the beginning -- by asking the basic question, "what exactly is music theory?"
The answer may surprise you, as this lesson explains.
In this live stream, we walk through the main points of Lesson 1 from the Guitar Theory course, followed by a Q&A.
Join us Saturday, January 4 @ 9:00 a.m. (UTC-7). Here's the link: