Hey, join the live stream Sunday, March 23 @ 10:00 a.m. MDT (UTC-6).
We're talking about the best music decade, mode numerals, and more. See you then!
What does geometry SOUND like? The answer is music ... because music is audible geometry.
This video introduces the framework of patterns that make everything possible in music -- from scales and modes to chords and progressions:
The trick to actually seeing these patterns -- to really understanding how they work -- is to use color. Sometimes, people ask "Why use color? Doesn't that just make things more complicated because now we have to memorize even more stuff?"
It's a fair question on the surface. But if you dig a little deeper, the huge benefit of the colors becomes clear, as this video shows. Because the colors pack a one-two punch:
1) They illustrate notes better than traditional letter names
2) They also illustrate intervals better than traditional number symbols
And through one streamlined interface, you can see how the notes and intervals in all keys share a common framework of geometry -- that links them in an intricate web of relationships .... ...
Hey, join the live stream Sunday, March 23 @ 10:00 a.m. MDT (UTC-6).
We're talking about the best music decade, mode numerals, and more. See you then!
We're hanging out via live stream Saturday, February 15 at 9:00 a.m. (UTC-7) -- to play with the ChordMap (sevenths version). Chat Live or post questions on Locals in advance.
This stream is for supporters. THANK YOU!
And here's the link to join:
To understand music, you must start at the beginning -- by asking the basic question, "what exactly is music theory?"
The answer may surprise you, as this lesson explains.
In this live stream, we walk through the main points of Lesson 1 from the Guitar Theory course, followed by a Q&A.
Join us Saturday, January 4 @ 9:00 a.m. (UTC-7). Here's the link: